April 27, 2021| 524 0

China’s Domestic Market Continues To Show A Strong Recovery

China’s domestic airline market continues to rebound from 2020. Since the beginning of March, the number of domestic flights operated has exceeded not only 2020 levels, but 2019 levels. It marks a fast rebound from a flat Lunar New Year in February when the Chinese Government actively discouraged domestic travel and airline traffic plummeted. China’ …

March 5, 2021| 666 0

Air China Receives Fourth COMAC ARJ21

Air China has taken delivery of its fourth COMAC ARJ21, which is the first to be delivered by COMAC since the turn of the new year. The plane took off from Shanghai Pudong International Airport and landed at Beijing Capital International Airport on February 28th. Air China receives ARJ21 on lease The COMAC ARJ21-700 is the fourth in Air China’s fleet …

March 5, 2021| 504 0

China’s New Narrowbody The COMAC C919 On Track For 2021 Certification

The new narrowbody jet of the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) is on track to be certified in 2021, its chief designer says. This means that the first C919 could be in service with launch customer China Eastern Airlines before the end of the year and that Boeing and Airbus could soon face real competition on the lucrative Chinese sh …

February 1, 2021| 545 0

Cathay Pacific Wants To Raise $870mn To Shore Up Liquidity

Hong Kong’s Cathay Pacific is back raising money to stay in the air. Twelve months into COVID-19 and almost two years since protests began in Hong Kong, the airline’s financial woes continue. Now flying a fraction of its 2019 passenger numbers, Cathay Pacific has a monthly cash burn running up to US$190 million, and there’s no relief in sight. To h …

January 26, 2021| 538 0

China’s airlines prioritize COMAC, put off Airbus and Boeing

China’s big three airlines postponed delivery of over 100 aircraft from Boeing and Airbus, prioritizing the Chinese aircraft manufacturer Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC).  In 2020, the main Chinese carriers – China Southern Airlines (ZNH), China Eastern Airlines (CIAH) (CEA), and Air China postponed a total of 58 planes from Bo …

January 6, 2021| 1 0

China’s COMAC Flies High With Record ARJ21 Deliveries in 2020

China’s attempts to take on Boeing and Airbus with a viable homegrown jet has received a boost. Deliveries of the ARJ21 regional jet hit new highs in 2020. The Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) said they delivered 24 ARJ21 aircraft to customers over 2020. That brings the total number of ARJ21s delivered to 46. COMAC delivers 24 ARJ21s …

January 4, 2021| 629 0

Why Is The Airbus A330 Popular In Asia-Pacific?

The Airbus A330 is not the flashiest plane in the sky. These days it is mostly outshone by its glossier sibling, the Airbus A350. But since first entering service in the mid-1990s, the A330 has proved a continuing hit for airlines and travelers. The A330 is reliable, spacious, comfortable, and can move large numbers of people a long way in a single …

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