March 8, 2021| 461 0

Japan Set To Write Pre-Flight Security Checks Into Law

For the first time, Japan is set to introduce official, legal guidelines regarding airport security checks. Security in Japan is currently the responsibility of each airline. Airlines and airports usually hire independent security firms to conduct the checks according to airline policy. The Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism Ministry has …

February 9, 2021| 567 0

Russia’s MC-21 Passes Key Engine Test

Russia’s short to medium-range narrowbody MC-21 has been making a good deal of progress over the past year. Recently, the aircraft’s Russian engine option, the Aviadvigatel PD-14, cleared emission tests set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). This not only opens the door to the aircraft and its PD-14 engines performing internat …

January 18, 2021| 505 0

ICAO: COVID-19 Brings Air Travel Numbers Back To 2003 Levels

The UN agency for civil aviation, ICAO, says international passenger traffic is down 60% and back to 2003 levels. The finding follows the release of a study into the impact of COVID-19 on civil aviation. And according to ICAO, 2021 won’t be much better for airlines than in 2020. 2020 a torrid year for the world’s airlines In the full year to December …

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