April 22, 2021| 631 0

Spirit Records $112m Net Loss With 72% Load Factor

Spirit Airlines recorded a net loss of $112 million for the first quarter of 2021. As the ultra-low-cost carrier (ULCC) charts a growth strategy and improvements in March, the airline is looking ahead to the summer. Its team managed capacity successfully and achieved a load factor of 72.1%, which is the highest it has been for the airline since the …

February 23, 2021| 459 0

Nolinor’s OWG Allows Passengers To Win Back Lost Deposits

Over the past 12 months, many of us will have had to cancel travel plans due to the coronavirus pandemic. Airlines have endeavored to take a lenient, flexible approach towards cancellations in the circumstances. However, passengers haven’t always been able to get all of their money back. As such, Canadian carrier OWG is giving passengers the chance …

February 22, 2021| 681 0

You Could Own An Ex-Southwest Boeing 737-300 For $550,000

If you’ve got a spare half a million lying around and have some sky-high ambitions, there’s an investment just waiting for you. A vintage Boeing 737-300, formerly operated by Southwest Airlines, is being offered for sale for less than the price of a new Ferrari. Here’s what you need to know. Boeing 737 for sale Not many airlines still fly the 737-300 …

February 14, 2021| 617 0

Air Canada Hopes For Connecting Traffic As It Anticipates Government Aid

Strict government travel restrictions have been a huge burden and revenue-killer for Canadian airlines, including Air Canada. The carrier has done several things to position itself for success in 2021, including the full and permanent conversion of some of its retired 767s into freighters. On the passenger operations side, however, the airline need …

January 8, 2021| 628 0

WestJet Reduces Capacity By A Third While Standing Down Employees

Canadian airline WestJet is set to reduce its capacity by a third following the new travel restrictions recently implemented by the government of Canada. Alongside the drop in capacity, the airline expects to stand down the equivalent of 1,000 employees across the organization. Yesterday, Canada brought in new rules stating that passengers can’t ent …

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